DCI Symposium day 2024
In the News
Dec. 30, 2021: Omicron Spike structure
Several articles accompanied the publication of the SARS-CoV2 Omicron Variant’s Spike protein on on December 30, 2021.
EPFL Frontpage | Twitter | Radio Lac | RSI (Swiss Italian Radio) | RSI (Webpage) | Watson (in German) | SwissInfo (Keystone-SDA/gw) | Heidi News
Nov. 23, 2021: DCI Opening
Several articles and TV emissions accompanied the opening ceremony of the DCI on November 22, 2021.
EPFL Frontpage | RTS Television | La Tele (after 4 minutes) | RTS La 1ere | 24heures |Le Temps | La Liberte